Thursday, April 24, 2025
- All dayNavigating Transitions 2025- Online ProgramLife is full of change — are you ready to embrace what’s next? This program is designed to help you explore your next chapter, whether you are stepping into a new role, considering a career change or facing another major life transition.
- All dayDescendants Week 2025Descendants Week, programmed annually by the Bray School Lab, returns April 21-26, 2025.
- All dayA New and Well-Ordered CityHow are cities made? Block by block, brick by brick.
- 9:30 AM1hOBAC Office HoursLocation: Student Assembly Sadler Office
- 10:00 AM4hOrder Your W&M Ring!Location: Sadler Center, Atrium
- 4:30 PM1h 30mSpecial Collections Public Exhibition (SCoPE) with Rich WalkerPlease join us on Thursday, April 24 at 4:30 p.m. to relive the rock and roll days of William & Mary Hall with Rich Walker, former photographer for the student newspaper, The Flat Hat.
- 6:00 PM1hLemon Project Genealogical Research RoundtableLocation: Virtual Starting locally is the foundation of genealogical research; however, how should you prepare to visit your ancestral home to do research? Join the conversation on April 24 to learn how to maximize the experience of revisiting home.
- 7:00 PM1hAfter Hours Lecture Series: Searching for SturgeonDr. Angelina Dichiera, Assistant Professor at the Batten School & VIMS, will explain how eDNA can be used to detect and monitor the presence of endangered sturgeon in Bay tributaries, and help guide recovery and conservation of these “living fossils.”
- 7:30 PM1hEbony Expressions Gospel Choir Explosion Spring ConcertTickets are FREE and can be reserved at
- 8:00 PM1hASL Club MeetingLocation: James Blair Hall 223
- 8:00 PM1hASL Club MeetingLocation: James Blair Hall 223