- Statewide Tornado Drill 2025Campus messaging as part of National Severe Weather Awareness Week and Virginia's Statewide Tornado Drill.
- Temporary slowdown in hiringProvost Peggy Agouris and Executive Vice President for Finance & Administration Mike Todd send the following message to faculty and staff on March 5, 2025.
- FAQ regarding federal policy changesMessage from President Katherine A. Rowe to the community
- W&M Closed Friday, Feb. 21, resuming normal operations at 5 p.m. for the weekendMessages regarding university operations during Winter Storm Kingston.
- Call for Entries: 2025 Student Communication AwardsWilliam & Mary annually recognizes student journalism with one scholarship and one award. They are centered on excellence in the craft of journalism and participation in publication activities at William & Mary. University Communications is now accepting submissions for the Rex Smith Scholarship and the W. Wilford Kale, Jr. Journalism Award. Complete descriptions are below; […]
- Higher education policy landscapeMessage from the Provost and Senior Vice President to the community
- Notice to the community about John Ekow Deacon-DickensJohn Ekow Deacon-Dickens, a graduate student in the MBA program, died on Feb. 8, 2025.
- Winter StormMessage regarding a winter storm forecast to impact the Hampton Roads area Feb. 11, 2025.
- Questions from CampusMessage from WMPD to campus regarding rumored police activity on campus.
- W&M Board of Visitors to MeetThe William & Mary Board of Visitors will meet in Williamsburg on February 5-7, 2025. The purpose of the meetings is to conduct regular business of the Board.
- Research grant policy updatesWilliam & Mary is closely monitoring and reviewing new executive actions and memoranda following the recent change in federal administration, particularly those related to federally funded research.
- W&M to Open at 11 a.m., ThursdayMessages sent to the campus community concerning a snowstorm Jan. 21-22, 2025.
- Water Main BreakMessages from the Office of Public Safety.
- Winter Storm WarningMessages to the campus community from the Emergency Management Team.
- Notice to the community regarding Leah B. YosephFreshman Leah B. Yoseph died unexpectedly at her home in Chesapeake, Virginia.
- Winter weatherThe Emergency Management Team sent the following emails to the campus community in January 2025.
- W&M Board of Visitors Committee on Institutional Advancement to meet virtually on Dec. 17, 2024In accordance with Va. Code § 2.2-3708.3 the 2024-2025 Policy for Participation of Board of Visitors Members in Meetings by Electronic Means of Communication, the committee will meet by electronic communication from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time to continue strategic mapping conversations begun during their Nov. 21, 2024 meeting.
- Notice to the CommunityLana D. Fellows passed away on November 24th, 2024.
- W&M Board of Visitors to meet Nov. 20-22The William & Mary Board of Visitors will hold meetings in Williamsburg and at Richard Bland College on November 20-22, 2024. The purpose of the meetings is to conduct regular business of the Board. Committee meetings will begin at 3 p.m. on Wednesday November 20, in room 2018B of Alan B. Miller Hall, located at […]
- Update: Notice to the CommunityRose Way, Class of 2025, died unexpectedly.
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